Breamar 3rd Green

May 2023

  • Tuesday League – Week 1 Results

    This week was our first night of league play. Although it was nice to finally see some sunshine, the high winds definitely had a negative impact on my game (at least that’s the excuse I’ll use).

    One player was able to conquer the wind and produce some amazing results. Please join me in congratulating Taylor Smith. Not only did he win this week’s closest-to-the-pin contest, but he followed that up with an ALBATROSS on hole 4. That’s right! A double eagle, a 2!!! This is way more rare than a hole-in-one. Way to go Taylor!

    Attached are the standings after Week 1. 

    I know a lot of us are still trying to shake the rust off our games. But please be mindful of your pace of play. Play ready golf at all times (go through your preparations and be ready to play when it is your turn). Also, since we are in a match play format, pick up your ball when you know that your opponent has won the hole and record either the maximum score (net double bogey) or the score you would have most likely gotten.

    Finally, please remember to post your scores to the GHIN handicap system to keep your handicaps up to date. If you are unsure about how to do this, please contact Scott or Phil.

Braemar Mens Club

Registration is now open!