2023 Wednesday League Recap

It was yet another thrilling season for the Wednesday league with some spirited play, great weather and wonderful camaraderie.

The top point earners in the regular season in the Palmer Division was team of Jordan Ferrer/Aron Larson/Mike Magnuson. In the Nicklaus, the wily veterans of Doc Peterson/Mike Kavanaugh/Dave Draxler led the pack.  Their solid play over 13 weeks made them the bookmaker favorites in London, Qatar, and Ned’s self-serve outside Tulsa, OK.  But as fate always has it, top seeds often find it tough to advance through the grueling 4-round playoff season.

In the culmination of a great post season, the team of Steven Kraft/DereckMattson/Ryan Williams took the title, defeating the Palmer winning Ferrer/Larson/Magnuson squad.

We were thrilled to have ESPN8 (“The Ocho”) once again covering both regular season and playoff matches – squeezing the league into an already packed schedule that included collegiate axe throwing, Caribbean cornhole tournaments, the World Air Hockey championships, and nocturnal cliff diving.

I’m pleased to say that 83% of players were “in the money” through payoffs for the regular season, playoffs, weekly closest to the pin contests, and the much loved shootout for teams not making the playoffs.

Here’s to another great season in 2024.

Braemar Mens Club

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