New Member / Board Event

Event Coordinators

Mark Schmidt – Chair (
Tom Schauerman – Co-Chair (

Are you a new BMC member? If so, welcome to the Braemar Men’s Club, and please join us for the New Member/Board Event. This is an event hosted by the BMC for NEW MEMBERS who want to learn more about our Club and for us to answer any of your questions. Our Board Members will be there to welcome you, play 9 holes of golf, have a beverage, and point you in the right direction.

Event Details

What: You will play 9 holes of golf with a Board member and learn more about the BMC. Golf and a beverage will be provided by the Braemar Men’s Club (cart is not included)

When: Thursday, May 1st, 2025, tee times starting at 3:00 pm

Where: Braemar Golf Course

Why: Because you like to play golf and would like to learn more about the BMC

How: Registration for the event will open March 1st and will close on April 21st. (Tentative)

Note that space is limited to around 48 players. To join the festivities, simply login and click a Qty of 1 and the Green Add to Cart button on the left side of this page. We will let you know your tee time and foursome once registration is complete. We look forward in seeing you on May 1st.

Please email Tom Schauerman at with any questions.

Braemar Mens Club

Registration is now open!