- League Playoff champions-#6-Tyler Cate and Timmy Carr
- They defeated #4-Dave Stougaard and Joe O’Neill, 3 & 1 in the finals on Oct 1st at Braemar
- 23 Teams and 46 players participated.
- Teams self scheduled and conducted 29 matches; 16 teams played 2 or more matches. 1 Team played 7 matches!
- 4 Division champs – #6-Tyler Cate & Timmy Carr; #8-Bill Quinn & Jared Britton; #15-Jon Marker & Tom Crowley Co-Champs with #18-Ben Gervais & Scott Morrison; #22-Greg Baron & Steve Tanner
- WildCard Team-#4- Dave Stougaard & Joe O’Neill-7 pts
- Regular Season Champs-#22 -Greg Baron & Steve Tanner-11 pts