As reported earlier, BMC members have done some remarkable things this year: Doug Pernula made a hole-in-one (his second ace all-time on number 7), and both Taylor Smith and Drew Cripps made double eagles (each on the fourth hole). And yet… perhaps none of those feats can beat this: back-to-back aces on the same hole! That’s right—two shots in a row that found the cup on a par 3.
Here’s what happened. On October 21 John Miller and Bill Angel, both longstanding BMC members, were playing a round at Bunker Hills with golf buddies Bob Peterson and Mike Kavanaugh, also longstanding members. After making the turn onto the West Course, they came to their 12th hole, a 178-yard par 3. Mike and Bob hit their tee shots. Let’s face it: at this point no one cares where those shots went. Then it was John’s turn. He selected his three-hybrid and hit a beauty, right at the hole. Unfortunately, the group couldn’t see the result, so assumed the shot probably went a little long. Then Bill took the tee with his 6-iron in hand. And what followed was another impressive shot, also right on target and—somehow—all four players saw the ball roll into the cup. A no-doubter. So, after the expected hoopla, the group headed towards the green and, as they approached, John recorded his fastest 50-yard dash in memory. Sure enough, what to his wondering eyes did appear: not one but two golf balls nestled securely in the bottom of the hole. Back-to-back aces! Admittedly, The Virtual 19th Hole is at a loss to calculate the odds of holing two tee shots in a row, but, after all, what’s in a number? Except of course this number: one times two.
Congrats, John and Bill! And we thought we had seen (or at least heard) it all.
Dick Helde
Editor, The Virtual 19th Hole