League Coordinators
David Stougaard (19dirk85@gmail.com)
Joe O’Neill (joseph.oneill.cpa@gmail.com)
This League earns you 3 EWS points.
League Details
Welcome to Team Match Play, Golf as it began: Each side competing to win the match by winning the most holes. In 4-Ball Match Play each partner plays his own ball, and the better is the team’s score on each hole. If you are stymied, your partner may still do well and win the hole. Redemption awaits on every tee: play well, win that hole, and you have canceled a loss. Hope remains until you run out of holes to catch up. This is challenging and enjoyable Golf!
- Play begins Early May
- Sign up as a team if you already have a partner. Or, Sign up as a single, and the Chairman will attempt to join you with a partner of similar HCP.
- Entry Fee $15 per Player
There will be six Rounds of 3 weeks duration, beginning early May and ending early September. A Bonus Round extends through September to the 9/30 Deadline. This allows time to complete a missed round, or settle a tie to determine the Champions. Please insure that you have some flexibility in your schedule, so you will not have difficulty arranging matches. Teams are responsible to arrange and schedule their matches, and to email results to the Chairman.
Teams will be grouped in Flights according to HCP, so they may more readily agree on choice of Tees. HCP Strokes are allowed and applied according to USGA rules for Match Play.
Match Scoring Point System:
- 2 points to winner
- 1 point each to teams in a tie
- 0 points for a loss or default.
Winners in each flight will be determined by point totals at season’s end. Awards will be in the form of Credits for merchandise at the Braemar Pro Shop.
No matches are pre-assigned. Teams in each Flight are pooled, so you have maximum flexibility to choose opponents and schedule your play for each Round. There is a weekend / evening Flight, for those whose schedules are tight but predictable, in the hope that similarly busy players may find easier scheduling. We encourage teams to play 9 or 18 holes on the new Braemar course. Academy 9 is acceptable if competitors agree. We will continue the policy that teams may choose to play at any USGA-rated course necessary to meet their scheduling needs. The players and the winners for each Round will be entered in the Competition Record as results come in. Re-matches are OK. Substitute players are OK. One player may represent his Team if necessary. Good luck and good Golf!