Individual Match Play

League Coordinators

Greg Baron (

This League earns you 3 EWS points.

League Details

The Individual Match Play Event is open to all BMC members for an entry fee of $15. The format is handicapped individual match play according to USGA Match Play Rules. The higher Handicap receives the difference in strokes from the lower handicap. The final number of Players entered will determine the number of Pools, number of players in each Pool and Prize Money Payouts.

Play as many matches as you want to a maximum of 7. Your best 5 of will be used to accumulate points. Every point earned matters as your payout will be based on your points earned and standings. No matches are preassigned. Players schedule a mutually agreeable time and course to play their match. You can play an opponent one time from any pool. To keep matches interesting you play a front, back and total match for points. Matches must be played head to head. No matching of cards. Threesomes are allowed where you simultaneously play two opponents.

6 Points are earned as follows for an 18 hole match: 2 points for the front nine winner; 2 points for the back nine winner and 2 points for the 18 hole winner. 1 point each for ties. If players agree, sudden death can be played for the 18 hole winner.

4 Points are earned as follows for a 9 hole match: 1 point for each player and 2 points for the 9 hole winner or 1 point each for a tie.

Match Play Ends on September 30. Standings will be published for play ending June 30; July 31; and August 31. Final Standing will be published October 1. Email results to and cc your opponent. Include in the subject “Match Play”. Include in the email body: Date of play, Names of players and points won by each player.

  • All entry fees will be paid out in Braemar Pro Shop Merchandise Credits.
  • USGA Match Play Rules govern play.
  • Entry deadline is May 1, 2024. Late entries will be considered.

Contact League Coordinator Greg Baron with any questions.

Great Way to get to know your BMC Members!!!

2023 Results

1st Place – Steve Tanner*

2nd Place – Greg Baron

3rd Place – Denny Russell*

4th Place – Phil Jirsa

5th Place – Scott Nelson

Braemar Mens Club

Registration is now open!