Richard Black and the Bridge

BMC members who walk the course have enthused over how the new walking bridge on 16 has saved them steps.  But Richard Black has found a much more creative way to take advantage of that well-positioned bridge.  Check out his story:

“I made good use of the new walking bridge on 16!  It had to do with a shot I probably couldn’t repeat if I tried 100 times.  Until that hole, the night had been a rough one, as I was down 2 after 4 holes.  But on 16 things turned my way.  I hit a nice drive down the middle. From there I used an 8 iron to lay up to where the fairway sand traps used to be.  That shot came to rest about 15 feet back from the penalty area, giving me a great look at the green.   The new walking bridge that leads to the green was at an angle to my right. I pulled out a 9 iron, planning to place the ball comfortably up near the pin.  But the water must have spooked me.  I both topped and shanked the ball and it shot out at an angle to the right towards the new bridge about two feet off the ground.  The ball bounced across the bridge perfectly and rolled up just short of the green.   My partner, Brian Kranz, one of those young guys who hits it a mile, remarked, “what a veteran shot!”  We all had a good laugh– except of course my opponent, who must have thought, what the hell?  I went on to tie the hole and win my match.”

Braemar Mens Club